

Blake Hood


This note considers how transgenic Salmon should be classified under the current definition of species in the Endangered Species Act. The author first considers and explains the different historical definitions for species of animals, such as: Taxonomists views of species; the Essentialists views; Darwin's theory of evolution as it relates to the definition of species; Mayr's Biological Species Concept (BCS); and other more general considerations. Following this scientific analysis, the author looks to the Endangered Species Act, its regulations, and judicial definitions of species to examine how lawmakers have defined species. After establishing these differing views on species, the author explores how transgenic Salmon - genetically engineered salmon - fit within this legally-established view of species. Noting that transgenic Salmon, like other genetically modified fish, are regulated by the government, the author stills points out that there may be potential problems of threats posed by these genetically engineered fish to the general population of salmon. Thusly, the author concludes that transgenic Salmon, as they may cause harm to Salmon, are not deserving of protection under the Endangered Species Act, as they are not a species but a hybrid, not a category worthy of protection.
