Volume 8, Number 2 (2018) Spring 1993
Circumscribing the Reduction of Open Space by Scattered Development: Incorporating a German Concept in American Right-to Farm Laws
Terence J. Centner
Environmental Cleanup Actions, the Valuation of Contaminated Properties, and Just Compensation for Affected Property Owners
James P. Downey
Takings: The Fifth Amendment, Government Regulation, and the Problem of the Relevant Parcel
Laura M. Schleich
Takings Law in Florida: Ramifications of Lucas and Reaheard
Richard J. Grosso and David J. Russ, A.I.C.P.
Getting the Most Valuable Water Supply Pie: Economic Efficiency in Florida's Reasonable-Beneficial Use Standard
Phyllis Park Saarinen and Gary D. Lynne
Wetlands Regulation and Mitigation After the Florida Environmental Reorganization Act of 1993
Bruce Wiener and David Dagon