Volume 14, Issue 3 (1986)
Review of Florida Legislation
The Editors
The State of the Florida Legislature
Alan B. Rosenthal
Why Florida's Tax Revenues Go Boom or Bust, and Why We Can't Afford It Anymore
James A. Zingale and Thomas R. Davies
Broadening the Sales Tax Base: Answering One Question Leads to Others
Robert A. Pierce and Carol D. Peacock
Florida's New "Income" Tax
Joseph W. Jacobs
Florida's Tort Reform: Response to a Persistent Problem
Pamela Burch Fort, Theodore G. Granger, Ricky L. Polston, and Sheri L. Wilkes
The Florida Election Campaign Financing Act: A Bold Approach to Public Financing of Elections
Chris Haughee
A Super Response to Lust in Florida
B. Suzi Ruhl and Sharon K. Lowe
Impact of the Information Age on Access and Dissemination of Government Information in Florida
Patrick L. Imhof and Edwin A. Levine
Narrowing the Gap: The Progress Toward Equity
Richard Kirschner and Martha Walfoort
The Making of the 1986 Florida Safety Belt Law: Issues and Insight
John G. Van Laningham
Should Parents Be Notified of Their Minor Daughter's Abortion? A Pregnant Question for Florida Legislators
Charlotte E. Parsons