Volume 32, Issue 4 (2006)
Empirical Measures of Judicial Performance: An Introduction
Steven G. Gey and Jim Rossi
Foreseeing Greatness? Measurable Performance Criteria and the Selection of Supreme Court Justices
James J. Brudney
Judging the Tournament
Hon. Jay S. Bybee and Thomas J. Miles
Which Judges Write Their Opinions (And Should We Care)?...
Stephen J. Choi and G. Mitu Gulati
Empirical Measures of Judicial Performance: Thoughts on Choi and Gulati's Tounament of Judges
Brannon P. Denning
The Role of Qualifications in the Confirmation of Nominees to the U.S. Supreme Courts
Lee Epstein et al.
Judicial Selection by the Numbers
Michael J. Gerhardt
Federal Judges and the Heisman Trophy
Steven Goldberg
Who Judges the Judges?
John V. Orth
Judicial Behavior and Performance: An Economic Approach
Hon. Richard A. Posner
Pulling From the Ranks?: Remarks on the Proposed Use of an Objective Judicial Ranking System to Guide the Supreme Court Appointment Process
Hon. Bruce M. Selya
Judical Stratification and the Reputations of the United States Courts of Appeals
Michael E. Solimine
A Tournament of Virtue
Lawrence B. Solum