Scholarly publications of law school faculty at Florida State University | Florida State University College of Law

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Scholarly Publications from 2022


Two Cheers for Cyborgs, Lauren Henry Scholz
University of Chicago Law Review Online 1 (2022)


Government Speech and the Establishment Clause, Alexander Tsesis
2022 U. Ill. L. Rev. 1761 (2022)


Circuit Circus: Defying SCOTUS and Disenfranchising Black Voters, Charquia Wright
Ohio State Law Journal 83 (2022)

Scholarly Publications from 2021


Child-Proofing Global Public Health in Anticipation of Emergency, Frederick M. Abbott
20 Wash. U. Global Stud. L. Rev. 583 (2021)


Artificially Intelligent Persons, Nadia Banteka
Houston Law Review 537 (2021)


Business Law beyond Business, Shawn Bayern
46 Journal of Corporation Law 521 (2021)


The Exaggerated Rumors of Death of Unconscionability, Shawn Bayern
2021 Jotwell: The Journal of Things We Like 1 (2021)


After Trump, Jacob Eisler
10 Global Constitutionalism 1 (2021)


A Socially Beneficial False Claims Act?, Elissa Philip Gentry
88 Tennessee Law Review 725 (2021)


Contaminated Relationships in the Opioid Crisis, Elissa Philip Gentry and Benjamin J. McMichael
72 Hastings Law School 827 (2021)


Between Managerialism and the Legal Counterculture: The Yale Program in Law and Modernization in the History of the Global 1970s, Afroditi Giovanopoulou
Journal of Institutional Studies 829 (2021)


Pragmatic Legalism: Revisiting America's Order After World War II, Afroditi Giovanopoulou
Harvard International Law Journal 325 (2021)


Anti-Science Ideology, Shi-Ling Hsu
75 U. Miami L. Rev. 405 (2021)


Carbon Taxes and Economic Inequality, Shi-Ling Hsu
15 Harv. L. Pol'y Rev. 551 (2021)


Biosupremacy: Big Data, Antitrust, and Monopolistic Power Over Human Behavior, Mason Marks
UC Davis Law Review 513 (2021)


Emergent Medical Data: Health Information Inferred by Artificial Intelligence, Mason Marks
UC Irvine Law Review 995 (2021)


Environmental Law, Disrupted by COVID-19, Erin Ryan
51 Envtl. L. Rev. 10509 (2021)


The Twin Environmental Law Problems of Preemption and Political Scale, Erin Ryan
Environmental Law, Disrupted (Keith Hirokawa & Jessica Owley, eds.) (2021)


Tribute to Professor David Markell: A Colleague Among Colleagues, Erin Ryan
36 J. Land Use & Envtl. L. (2021)


Environmental Rights for the 21st Century: A Comprehensive Analysis of the Public Trust Doctrine and Rights of Nature Movement, Erin Ryan, Holly Curry, and Hayes Rule
42 Cardozo L. Rev. 2447 (2021)


Arrested Development: The Decline of Legality in Consumer Contract Law, Lauren Henry Scholz
The Journal of Things We Like (Lots) (2021)

Scholarly Publications from 2020


Facilitating Access to Cross-Border Supplies of Patented Pharmaceuticals: The Case of the COVID-19 Pandemic, Frederick M. Abbott
23 J. Int'l Econ. L. 535 (2020)


For-Profit Managers as Public Fiduciaries: A Neo-Classical Republican Perspective, Rob Atkinson
19 Fla. St. U. Bus. Rev. 1 1 (2020)


A Crisis of Faith in (the Efficiency of) Expectation Damages, Shawn Bayern
2020 Jotwell: The Journal of Things We Like 1 (2020)


The New Maternity, Courtney Megan Cahill
133 Harv. L. Rev. 2221 (2020)


Federal Oversight of State Primaries: The Troubling Drift from Equal Protection to Association, Jacob Eisler
71 Mercer Law Review 735 (2020)


The Limits and Promise of Instrumental Legal Analysis, Jacob Eisler
47 Journal of Law and Society 499 (2020)


Responses to Liability Immunization: Evidence from Medical Devices, Elissa P. Gentry and Benjamin J. McMichael
17 Journal of Empirical Legal Studies 789 (2020)


Climate Triage: A Resources Trust to Address Inequality in a Climate-Changed World, Shi-Ling Hsu
50 Envt'l L. 97 (2020)


Natural Gas Infrastructure: Locking in Emissions?, Sam Kalen and Shi-Ling Hsu
34 Nat. Resources Env't 3 (2020)


Copyright and Attention Scarcity, Jake Linford
42 Cardozo L. Rev. 143 (2020)


Controlled Substance Regulation for the COVID-19 Mental Health Crisis, Mason Marks
Administrative Law Review 649 (2020)


Vertical Stare Decisis and Three-Judge District Courts, Michael T. Morley
108 Geo. L.J. 699 (2020)


A Short History of the Public Trust Doctrine and its Intersection with Private Water Law, Erin Ryan
39 Vir. Envtl. L. J. 135 (2020)


Federalism as Legal Pluralism, Erin Ryan
The Oxford Handbook on Legal Pluralism 482 (2020)


Lessons from the Coronavirus Pandemic for Environmental Governance, Erin Ryan
Seeing the Woods: A Rachel Carson Center Blog (2020)


Rationing the Constitution vs. Negotiating it: Coan, Mud, and Crystals in the Context of Dual Sovereignty, Erin Ryan
2020 Wis. L. Rev. 165 (2020)


Fiduciary Boilerplate: Locating Fiduciary Relationships in Information Age Consumer Transactions, Lauren Henry Scholz
46 The Journal of Corporation Law 143 (2020)


Indivisibilities in Technology Regulation, Lauren Henry Scholz
University of Chicago Law Review Online 70 (2020)


Unmasking Western Science: Challenging the Army Corps of Engineer's Rejection of the Isle de Jean Charles Tribal Envrironmental Knowledge Under APA Arbitrary and Capricious Review, Charquia Wright
UCLA Law Review Online (2020)

Scholarly Publications from 2019


Melville's Billy Budd and Plato's Republic: Sea Captains and Philosopher-Kings, Rob Atkinson
47 Hofstra L. Rev. 1139 (2019)


A Network Theory Approach to Global Legislative Action, Nadia Banteka
Seton Hall Law Review 339 (2019)


No Longer Immune? How Network Theory Decodes Normative Shifts in Personal Immunity for Heads of State, Nadia Banteka
Virginia Journal of International Law 390 (2019)


The Rise of the Extreme Right and the Crime of Terrorism: Ideology, Mobilization, and the Case of Golden Dawn, Nadia Banteka
Duke Journal of Comparative & International Law 127 (2019)


Are Autonomous Entities Possible?, Shawn Bayern
114 Northwestern University Law Review Online 23 (2019)


The Impossibility of Simple Models of Impossibility in Contract Law, Shawn Bayern
2019 Jotwell: The Journal of Things We Like 1 (2019)


Formalism and Realism in Campaign Finance Law, Jacob Eisler
78 Cambridge Law Journal 257 (2019)


Looking Forward and Back in Time of Transitions, Jacob Eisler
9 Southampton Student Law Review ii (2019)


Partisan Gerrymandering and the Constitutionalization of Statistics, Jacob Eisler
68 Emory Law Journal 979 (2019)


Asymmetric Effects on Fatality Rates of Changes in Workers' Compensation Laws, Elissa Philip Gentry and W. Kip Viscusi
21 American Law and Economics Review 307 (2019)